

人間行動システム専攻 田口穂高さんが、"Outstanding Paper Award"を受賞しました。

 2014/6/23-26にフィンランド タンペレ大学で開催された”EdMedia 2014 - World Conference on Educational Media and Technology”において、人間行動システム専攻 修士2年田口穂高さんが、"Outstanding Paper Award"を受賞しました。

・Development of a Gaming Instructional Material and Design Framework for “Exploration Activities” in Science
  Hodaka Taguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  Toshiki Matsuda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

In Japanese upper secondary schools, students are required to perform “Exploration Activities” in science. However, it is doubtful whether these activities contribute to raising students’ interest in learning science or help foster a positive attitude toward utilizing the learning outcomes of science in daily life, because of teachers’ tendency to emphasize preparation for college entrance examinations and insufficient examples in government authorized textbooks. We believe that it is necessary to develop an appropriate example lesson and framework of instruction to cultivate students’ scientific problem-solving abilities for daily life. In this framework, we consider that students’ utilization of scientific ways of viewing and thinking should be promoted, and script knowledge of problem-solving for Exploration Activities should be taught. Therefore, in this study, we developed a gaming instructional material for earthquake disaster prevention using the proposed design framework.

学会掲載サイト 論文タイトルの右横に受賞メダルがついています。