

合意形成学国際プログラム(IPCOB)セミナー を開催します。


Kevin W. Li, Ph.D.
"A strategic analysis of CSR-related managerial incentive design"

(※使用言語:英語 )

講演者 Kevin W. Li, Ph.D.
(大学院社会理工学研究科 客員研究員)

日 時2015年7月9日(木)15:30~17:00 (受付15:10~)
会 場西9号館2階コラボレーションルーム
主 催合意形成学国際プログラム(IPCOB)
ウェブサイト 合意形成学国際プログラム(IPCOB)サイト



This presentation considers strategic managerial incentive design regarding firm owners' attitude towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a duopoly where each firm consists of an owner and a manager. We consider Bertrand and Cournot competition modes with the firms' products being either substitutable, independent or complementary. We analyze the endogenous design of such managerial incentives and, then,examine their strategic effect on firms' profit and CSR as reflected by consumer surplus and social welfare.


Dr. Kevin Li is currently Professor of Management Science in the Odette School of Business at the University of Windsorin Canada. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo in Canada in 2003 and his M.A.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from Xiamen University in China in 1994 and 1991, respectively. Dr. Li received a short-term Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship in 2015 and a long-term JSPS Invitation Fellowship in 2011, both held at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Dr. Li’s research has been supported by two Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants and a number of internal grants at the University of Windsor. Dr. Li’s main research interests fall into the following three areas: logistics and supply chain management,multicriteria decision analysis, and conflict resolution.


  合意形成学国際プログラム事務局 猪原(いのはら)、勢川(せがわ)
